Landon Sears – Elevators
Just in case you’re feeling particularly accomplished today, we’re here to knock you down a peg with the terrific single “Elevators” from 18-year-old wunderkind Landon Sears.
Sears, a freshman at Belmont University (coincidentally where PGM favorite Coin first came together), has an excellent voice that switches seamlessly from sing-song rap to powerful belting on a dime.
But he’s more than just a talented singer – Sears also handles production on “Elevators.” The beat is an excellent blend of trap hi-hats, synths, and a well-placed guitar solo on the outro.
It’s difficult to pinpoint an exact comparison for Sears. There’s a little of Marc E. Bassy’s hip-hop-infused soul, and even some Chance the Rapper soufulness in his varied delivery.
One thing’s for sure, Sears has outsized talent for a teenage artist, and it will be fascinating to see where his career takes him.
Listen to “Elevators” below, and check PGM for more updates on Landon Sears: